Although strongly encouraged to blog the following statements only represent my own, thoughts, ideas and opinions and in no way reflects those of my friends, colleagues or employer.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Sshhhh... I'm Listening

Sometimes it is better to just sit back and listen to kids especially when they think nobody is really listening.

The conversations that even a 5 and 6 year old can have are amazing.

Case in point: my two boys were talking about the ozone layer and what needed to be done to keep it from disappearing and "burning everything up." They knew that people needed to be told (educated) and came up with a plan (Mommy has to write the letter, because they don't know how to write yet but they do know what to say). They even came up with a solution that began with horse drawn carriages and evolved into solar powered cars that were small enough to be charged up quickly, but big enough to hold two hockey bags or 4 suitcases! I was "quietly" impressed.

When I think of their thought process and the evolution of their ideas and solutions I often wonder... what if I, as a teacher and a mom, just got out of the way?

I understand the need for curricullum guides and assessment and the guidelines they provide, but if  children could be encouraged to find their own solutions and answers to problems or events they find most intriquing and interesting, isn't that learning more valuable?