Although strongly encouraged to blog the following statements only represent my own, thoughts, ideas and opinions and in no way reflects those of my friends, colleagues or employer.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Every Revival Has to Start Somewhere

So task number one of the 2016 Revival is to eat better and take better care of the physical side of myself.
On New Years Day a friend challenged me to a 30 Day Clean Eating regime. I can do anything for 30 days right?  I gave myself a week to get back into routine ... and I "officially" start Monday. I've already warned colleagues and friends. This could be a long 30 days.....

Sunday, 3 January 2016

It's 2016... I'm Due for a Revival

It is a new year which is generally a time for reflection, gratitude and recognition of the year that has just passed.

I will be the first to admit, 2015 was a difficult year and I am not sad to see it go and in doing so look forward to a redo, a renewal, a restart if you will, you could almost look at it as a revival.

In 2016 I hope to revive myself, my life, my hopes and my dreams, my wants. I have buried myself for too long -- being the __________ (fill it in with whatever role I play) that I think everyone else wants me to be and not necessarily what I want be. 

Not that I did not learn many valuable lessons from 2015 most which will be helpful moving forward but I would like the opportunity to see what it possible without it all being new.

Look out 2016...